Welcome to Truckee! - By Mitch Clarin

Welcome to our town! A welcoming salutation on the side of the road at the entrance to many a town in America however, for some odd reason not here at home in beautiful Truckee, CA. Today, YOU, along with The Rotary
Club of Truckee can help change that. After many, many, months of volunteer planning, drafting, researching, redrafting, discussing and finally submitting for a permit, The Rotary Club of Truckee and YOU are ready to start working on the final 2 pieces of this puzzle. The first piece of this puzzle is financing. The second is the actual building of the signs.
Club of Truckee can help change that. After many, many, months of volunteer planning, drafting, researching, redrafting, discussing and finally submitting for a permit, The Rotary Club of Truckee and YOU are ready to start working on the final 2 pieces of this puzzle. The first piece of this puzzle is financing. The second is the actual building of the signs.
These elegant signs have been designed to minimize maintenance by using a natural stone base and steel for the columns and the actual sign itself. They also include solar and night sky compliant lighting. Easily read by passing vehicles, they will give our community a sense of pride and identity, raise our public image, exhibit our cultural history, and showcase our welcoming community. The minimal task of maintaining the signs falls squarely on the Rotary Club of Truckee.
Three locations have been identified with a possible fourth locale. The first neighborhood is at the corner of Rue Ivy and Route 89, for those entering Truckee from the north. The second is on route 267 at Hope Court across and slightly north of the Hampton Inn for those of us entering from Lake Tahoe. The third spot is in front of the old CHP station on route 89 just north of the freeway, for those entering Truckee from the freeway. The fourth hopefully will be west of town along Donner Pass Road where it crosses over the freeway for those entering Truckee from Donner Lake or the Summit.
Currently the Rotary Club of Truckee is acquiring bids for the overall value of the signs. The goal is to have as much labor and materials donated as the Rotary Club is a non-profit organization voluntarily working to help improve our already great community. You can help either by donating money, time, or both. Small donations are greatly appreciated along with larger more substantial donations. Helping us obtain donations might be a great way for you or your association to donate your time and energy. Labor needs to be performed by licensed contractors believing in the project and willing to give back to our fine community. Any suggestions in this arena are encouraged and appreciated.
For more information or if you want to help and/or have suggestions for contractors or material suppliers please text/call Mitch Clarin at 530-308-9124 or send an email to Mitch@MitchClarin.com.
Mitch Clarin is the incoming president of the Rotary Club of Truckee, current chair of the Town of Truckee planning commission, producing the follies for the eighth time, and has recently taken up cross country skiing to counteract the speed of his downhill skiing.

Project History
• CATT project with emphasis on direction finding to “Historic” Truckee due to concern created by construction of Truckee Bypass in early 2000’s
• Project not completed due to permitting/location/financial challenges
• Original Conceptual Design by Peter Gerdin,
long time Truckee Architect
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Proposal to Truckee Town Council
• Overall ~ 10 feet tall by ~10 feet wide
• Overall ~ 10 feet tall by ~10 feet wide
• 3 – 4 foot tall base
• 3 foot by 5 foot sign area about 5 feet above ground level for snow clearance. Letter height varies from 8 to 10 inches
depending upon distance from roadway based on MUTCD
depending upon distance from roadway based on MUTCD
• Granite base for primary support column with smaller steel panels for uprights
• Granite base for primary support column with smaller steel panels for uprights
• Heavy timber framing
• Solar powered down lighting to illuminate sign
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Note: Open Image in New Tab for Full Size

Town of Truckee Approved Sign
• Revised to incorporate reference to the Washoe Tribe and addition of Rotary Emblem
• Structure is slightly taller (~11’) but same width (~10’)
• Structure is slightly taller (~11’) but same width (~10’)
• Same base dimensions 4’ x 8’ and 3’ to 4’ above grade
• Sign area increased to 3’ x 6’ with 10” letters and bottom is 5’ above grade for snow clearance.
• Granite faced concrete base for primary column support
• Granite faced concrete base for primary column support
• Horizontal and vertical members are steel “W” members rather than wood
• Signage panel is two steel plates with cut out lettering
• Solar powered down lighting to illuminate sign
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Proposed Location "A"
• Highway 89 N at Truckee Way approximately 50-feet northeast of Rue Ivy Road
• Located behind Class 1 trail, will require fill to bring base to same elevation as trail
• View from roundabout departure leg heading southwest
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Proposed Location "B"
• Highway 267 between Airport Road and Soaring Way. Sign will be located on constructed berm (south of Hope Court) to be visible above Caltrans right-of-way fence.
• View from approximately 300-feet north of Hampton Inn
driveway looking northwest.
Note: Open Image in New Tab for Full Size

Proposed Location "C"
• Highway 89S between I-80 and Donner Pass Road (120-feet
south of old CHP office).
south of old CHP office).
• Located behind (east of) Class 1 Trail
• View from 89S looking north, sign approximately 350-feet
south of Donner Pass Road. This location farther north than
originally planned due to right-of-way boundary.
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